Youth are vulnerable to pot, as their brains are still developing. A rise in dopamine levels can alter the way their brains react to other substances. Marijuana addiction at an early age has been linked to opioid abuse later in life. Energy drinks contain high levels of caffeine, which increases energy and alertness. A study published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine revealed teens who consumed energy drinks were two to three times more likely to pick up an illicit drug than those who did not.
NIDA also states that a person typically uses alcohol, nicotine, and cannabis before progressing to more harmful substances. According to NIDA, alcohol can prime the brain for a heightened response to other drugs. This is known as cross-sensitization, where a person can replace one substance with another for a stronger reaction.
Critics believe that marijuana use may prevent other drug use, but little credible evidence exists to prove that assertion. The organization proposes that people who are more vulnerable to drug use may start by taking more readily available substances, such as cannabis, tobacco, or alcohol. Gateway drugs are believed to encourage further experimentation and use of other, more dangerous, addictive drugs. Adi Jaffe, Ph.D., is a lecturer at UCLA and the CEO of IGNTD, an online company that produces podcasts and educational programs on mental health and addiction. Marijuana has potentially harmful effects in the short-term and long-term on physical and mental health. This large study, published in a respected psychiatric journal, was used in some recent articles to remind us of the gateway theory of marijuana use, which I think deserves some more thought.
Marijuana and Prescription Drugs
Researchers have long recognized tobacco products as gateway drugs. In 2011, scientists fed rats nicotine-laced water for seven consecutive days. The results, published in Science Translation Medicine, revealed that the critters had an increased response to cocaine afterward. Supporters refer to ample research that strengthens the theory. For example, in 2016 the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse found that teens who use gateway drugs are 266 times more likely to develop a cocaine addiction than those who do not.
- Many students began with socially acceptable substances such as alcohol or cigarettes before transitioning to marijuana, then harder drugs.
- Substance misuse refers to using any drug either in excessive amounts or for a purpose other than its intended use.
- Here’s a look at the “gateway drug” myth and a few others you might’ve come across.
- Overall, drug use behavior is caused by a variety of genetic and environmental factors.
This further illustrates the complex relationships between the gateway drugs. Those with an alcohol use disorder are 18 times more likely than nondrinkers to use prescription drugs recreationally, per a NIDA-funded study. The report also found that individuals with an alcohol use disorder represented 9 percent of the survey, yet constituted more than two-thirds of nonmedical prescription drug users. A study published in Annals of Epidemiology revealed ecstasy may be a gateway drug to cocaine and methamphetamine. Ecstasy use at a younger age increases the risk of using harder drugs later in life.
Is Alcohol a Gateway Drug?
Alcohol is considered a “gateway” drug because it opens the door to the possible use of other drugs. Griffin, Edmund; Melas, Philippe; Zhou, Royce; et al. “Prior alcohol use increases vulnerabilit[…] of HDAC4 and HDAC5.” Science Advances, November 1, 2017. Furthermore, nearly half of binge drinkers — consuming five or more drinks on one occasion, one to four days a month — were marijuana users, according to the report. New research finds alcohol affects the same brain pathways as fast-acting antidepressants, perhaps explaining why some people feel alcohol boosts mood. Psychoactive drugs can cause temporary changes in mood and behavior.
“Neuroimmune mechanisms of alcohol and drug addiction.” International Review of Neurobiology, 2014. In 2013, teens who had smoked cigarettes in the past month were 11 times more likely than those who had not smoked cigarettes to use marijuana, per SAMHSA. Those who drank alcohol and smoked cigarettes were 25 times more likely than those who did neither to use marijuana.
For instance, children who have close family members with substance use disorders are at a higher rate of developing one themselves partly because of genetics. In this way, it could be said that its marijuana’s legal status, not its chemical interactions with the brain at all, that is the gateway. Not eco sober house only that, but once the law is broken and you’ve bought weed from a drug dealer, you can now interact with people who will have access to other illicit drugs. That makes it more likely that you will break the law again and that you will go on to try other substances, because they are now available.
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Further, 59% had used alcohol by the time they finished high school. Even though the gateway hypothesis has been around since the 1970s, more recent discoveries about the science of the brain and addiction support it. In particular, the brain does not finish developing until the mid-20s and is very susceptible to chemicals that disrupt that development. Researchers say marijuana use could lead to an alcohol use disorder. A study published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence found adults who used marijuana for the first time to be five times more likely to develop an alcohol use disorder than nonusers.
However, a report by the Journal of Health and Social Behavior found that marijuana’s influence as a gateway drug is contingent on factors such as employment status and other life events. It does suggest a moderate relationship between marijuana use and other illicit drug abuse. However, drinking alcohol from an early age can increase a person’s risk of misusing alcohol or developing alcohol use disorder.
Risk of alcohol use disorder
A person may need additional help and support to treat alcohol or substance misuse. Local community groups, programs, and support networks are available for those who wish to seek help. People living with alcohol misuse or substance misuse are not alone. A person can take advantage of several online or local resources to get help with their addiction.
Cannabis is often called a “gateway drug,” meaning that using it will probably lead to using other substances, like cocaine or heroin. That is why the RCT trials that can establish cause and effect are done in rats. Unfortunately, rats do not share the same complex mix of genetics and environmental factors that make up addiction risk in humans. Targeting alcohol use in adolescents will likely have an impact on the development of other substance use disorders later in life. The goal of treatment is to rid people of a substance, change their behaviors and steer them toward a drug-free life. If you or someone you know is suffering from an addiction, contact a drug and alcohol treatment center.
Here’s a look at the “gateway drug” myth and a few others you might’ve come across. Analysis of related factors for adolescents’ intention to use alcohol in Korea. Longitudinal associations between adolescent out-of-school time and adult substance use. Drinking alcohol for the first time is an eco sober house complaints example of compulsion stage of addiction. Fredriksson, Ida; Adhikary, Sweta; Steensland, Pia; et al. “Prior exposure to alcohol has no effect […] gateway hypothesis.” Neuropsychopharmacology, April 2017. “Neuroimmune basis of alcoholic brain damage.” International Review of Neurobiology, 2014.
Today, our Banyan rehab in Boca Raton is looking into the theory of gateway drugs and whether alcohol is used as a gateway drug among adolescents and teens. However, there are a few problems that prevent effective research into gateway drugs and their effects on adolescents. First of all, the kind of studies that can establish a cause-and-effect relationship are unable to be done, due to ethical reasons. These studies are called randomized controlled trials , and they cannot be done in adolescents because they involve feeding adolescents alcohol or placebos and seeing what happens.
Although the gateway theory has yet to be confirmed, recent studies and research support it. One point that stands out is the fact that the brain doesn’t finish developing until a person is in their mid-20s, meaning that adolescents and teens are highly susceptible to habit-forming drugs. Getting cannabis will no longer involve illegal action, meaning most marijuana users will not have broken the law. I believe this single change will prove to be incredibly important for use of “harder” drugs.
Prescription Drugs
TV shows such as “The Terrible Truth” suggested marijuana use led to heroin addiction. Researchers began using the term “gateway drug” in the 1980s to describe substances that initiate these stages. Gateway drugs are substances that, when consumed, give way to harder, more dangerous drugs. These milder substances, such as nicotine or alcohol, are believed to open the door to drugs such as meth, heroin and cocaine, which can lead to addiction. Our community offers unique perspectives on lifelong recovery and substance use prevention, empowering others through stories of strength and courage. You will also find information on spotting the signs and symptoms of substance use and hotlines for immediate assistance.
So, depending on how you look at it, the increase was incredibly large or pretty small. And even among the heaviest marijuana users, approximately 95 percent did not seem to have opioid-related issues. There is a lot of debate about whether marijuana is actually a harmful drug and whether it does act as a gateway to more “hard” drugs like cocaine, heroin, and more. And with 2.6 million new users of cannabis in the United States in 2016, it’s a debate that’s worth getting to the bottom of. This said, it’s worth noting that socially acceptable, legal drugs like nicotine and alcohol are also addictive. The whole idea is based on the observation that people who use recreational substances often start by using cannabis.