Robert J. Loescher – A Greater Art History Professor There Never Was!
Recently a teacher called in to a radio talk show and informed us that history was being removed from school curricula. It seems that history is being sacrificed for political agenda. I thought, how sad. Now our kids are going to be more detached than ever from their heritage. But then, years ago, when I was in school (and I am a grandmother), the history books were boring anyway. Moreover, they were loaded with falsehoods. It is past time that we parents and grandparents reclaim our rightful role as conveyers of our heritage and values to our children, and not just the young ones. Young adults have also been deprived of facts about the epic heroes in our heritage. Most of the great epic heroes were taught privately or at home, anyway. And some very great brains were kicked out of school.
Sadly, even fewer people develop the history habit than its more famous sibling, the “reading habit.” The simple reason that most adults don’t develop the history habit is that they don’t learn to love history when they are still young, and then they learn to hate it when they are in high school.
It has always taken powerful social movements to move this nation forward. Where would Lincoln have been without the abolitionist and free soil movements? Where would Roosevelt have been without the labor movement and the CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations)? Where would JFK and Lyndon Johnson have been without the civil rights movement and organizations like SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee)?
It’s important to remember that all the actions with clearing internet can’t be easily undone – the only reliable-ish way I’ve found is to use Windows System Restore – so once you press the “Clear Now” button you’ll have gone past the point of no return.
We can try to step into another person’s shoes and write Poetics about something we don’t know but just found out about and adopt a kind of style of writing to impersonate someone who likes those stuff. Yes, that’s fine because it’s not really a story but it’s more article. Your version of it and written while pretending that you’re into fast cars or makeup or cosmetic surgery.
Find teaching opportunities in everyday life. Reinforce math concepts by cooking with your child, building a birdhouse, or setting up a lemonade stand. Watch the news or read the newspaper together and discuss current events. Summer is a great time to encourage reading! Allow your child to find reading material that complements his interests: wildlife or sports magazines, mystery novels, comics and graphic novels are all great ways to foster a love of literacy. Develop writing skills by writing letters to family members or encouraging your child to keep a journal.
Choose a time period or subject – figure out what topic gets you excited about. What do you want to know more about? Did you watch a movie that made you want to learn more? Maybe the movie 300 got you thinking about Ancient Greece and the Spartans, or Saving Private Ryan made you think about World War II.
As Comics studies Amos predicted years ago the remnant of Israel is still with us. Once again, Jews live in their own land – the same land God promised Abram and his descendants over four thousand years ago. Against all odds, Amos’ prophecy came true a second time.
LITERATURE – Everyone knows this one, but I’ll stick it in here anyways. Match up your literature with your history. Studying Rome? A Triumph for Flavius is great for younger kids. American history for junior high? Carry On Mr. Bowditch is terrific. Studying Revolutionary France in high school? You can’t do better than Victor Hugo’s Ninety-Three for students that age. There are a thousand options, from D’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths to Asterix, from Cyrano de Bergerac to Inherit the Wind. Great historical fictions helps develop the reading habit and the history habit at the same time!
One of the goals of White Studies is to understand the complexity of The Deal and to try and answer that question. The answer is critical to the future of our nation. One of the main barriers to transforming our dysfunctional social and political system is what W.E.B. DuBois recognized so long ago, the Color Line.
So choose whichever method is relevant for your operating system but the most important point is that deleting your browsing history, is rather like clearing out a drawer. It makes it much easier and quicker for your computer to find your items and anything that speeds up your working day will always be welcome.